Welcome to The Good Men Project community.
The Good Men Project started 10 years ago with the idea to "spark an international conversation about the changing roles of men in the 21st century." And oh, what a spark that has been.
Over 6,000 contributors have published over 100,000 articles. We've had over 300 million readers from every country in the world. And we've had Editors from around the globe, including The US, Canada, The UK, Spain, Australia, Singapore, Thailand, and Laos.
We've seen the conversation grow wider and deeper, more nuanced and more provocative. We’ve seen people change. We’ve seen men become more open to the idea of how inclusive masculinity can be and how social pressures sometimes influence their choices. We’ve seen women become more understanding of men’s experience and what they’ve been through.
We’ve seen the connections between what we call the ‘Man-Box’ and social issues like racism, sexism, and homophobia, and that has given us insights into how to help create positive social change. We’ve seen the perception of dads change throughout the years and we are proud that Good Men Project has been part of that change. We are no less in awe of the potential for what we can actually accomplish here than we were on the day we launched. We have passed 750 million total pageviews, but it still feels like just the beginning.
We believe you will enjoy contributing to a mission-based publication that has a vast reach and high engagement. We’ve built an incredible community here, and people who join The Good Men Project know that they have helped build something extraordinary.
Anyone can contribute, anyone can take part in The Good Men Project in some way. But if you really want to be a deeply engaged part of our community, please consider joining our Good Men Project Premium Membership community. In addition to supporting our community, you'll get an all-access pass to our classes, Social Interest Groups (SIGs) and weekly phone calls ---and other ways of getting into our community that you just can't find in any other media company. Membership will also help you build a bigger platform for your message as you learn how to leverage what we've learned about tribe building and content promotion to increase your audience on any media site or your own blog. You'll get to see the site with NO ADS and get priority attention when submitting content for publication on GoodMenProject.com.
The Good Men Project Submission and Style Guidelines
By using The Good Men Project submissions portal, you are agreeing to our Terms and Conditions specifically for submissions. When you submit, you also agree to our Terms of Service, as well as agreeing to receive emails from The Good Men Project. You can unsubscribe any time.
Per our Editorial Guidelines, we will not accept material that is sexually explicit or contains profanity, hate language or slurs. This includes text, video, and/or photos that are part of submissions.
- Here are some of the subjects we write about. This is not an all-inclusive list, just for starters: Dads & Families, Sports, Politics, Ethics, Marriage, Masculinity, Arts & Entertainment, Business, Health & Wellness, Fitness, Mental Health, Aging, Dating, Relationships, Travel, takes on News Events, OpEds, Education, Spirituality, Sexuality and Gender Issues. Find out more on our About Page or view our open Calls for Submissions.
- Please make sure you understand our policy on outside links. We will not guarantee links will be included in a post unless it is sponsored. Prices for a single sponsored post begin at $130--more information here. Email info@goodmenproject.com if you have questions.
- You may submit previously published work, but you must include all appropriate credits and links back to the original. By accepting our terms and conditions you acknowledge and grant permission to have the work re-published.
- If you include photos, images or artwork with your post you must own the actual art, or have explicit, written permission to publish it. We reserve the right to substitute our own photos, especially if we cannot prove rights ownership. All videos or audio included with the work must have an embed code.
- Follow AP Style guidelines regarding numbers, capitalization, abbreviations, and punctuation, with one exception. For em dashes, use three hyphens---with no spaces before and after the dashes. And remember: AP Style calls for only one space after a period or colon. If you put two spaces between sentences, your submission will be printed, shredded, and set on fire. Numbers under 10, like nine or eight, should be spelled out, except in the case of ages, like a 5-year-old girl, or a boy, 6.
- Some general writing suggestions: 1) Be clear; say exactly what you mean. 2) Avoid cliches like the plague. 3) Avoid beginning sentences with "Look," "Listen," "You see," or "Now". 4) Avoid rhetorical questions. 5) Avoid squishy, meaningless adjectives, like "quite," "somewhat," and "interesting."
Thank you for submitting to The Good Men Project. It's a community unlike any other. And we think you're going to like it here.
Size limit: 500-1500 words (with some flexibility)
Submissions may be in a variety of media: verbiage, video, audio, cartoon, etc.
Size limit: 250-1200 words (with some flexibility)
Submissions may be in a variety of media: verbiage, video, audio, cartoon, etc.
Submit here if you are NOT giving us permission to republish your entire blog -- but have between 1 and 10 individual posts you want to allow us to republish.
If you want to give us permission to syndicate your entire blog, use this link instead.
You must be the author of the original post(s) with full republishing rights to all content in order to use this form. By submitting previously published work you attest that you have the right to have this work reprinted with attribution to the original publication. We will republish with the following attribution line: "Originally published on [LINK TO ORIGINAL]. Used with permission."
Submit here to allow us to republish your work on an ongoing basis.
You must be the author of the blog or website with full republishing rights to all content in order to use this form. We will republish with the following attribution line: "Originally published on [LINK TO ORIGINAL]. You will get an email notifying you when the post(s) are published.
An Annual Membership to The Good Men Project Community gives you the following benefits:
1) Support The Good Men Project Community.
2) Attend all of our weekly calls -- 4 days per week, including our Call with the Publisher every Friday.
3) Live and recorded classes to become a better writer, build your platform and more.
4) Interact with other members of the community.
5) See the site ad-free.

Become a member of The Good Men Project Premium Community and not only will you be connected to other men and women who are having “the conversation no one else is having” about what it means to be a man in the 21st century—but you will get a wide variety of exclusive benefits listed below.
By completing this registration form, you are also agreeing to our Terms of Service which can be found here.
*Your membership begins when you receive the welcome email and click the link to return back to The Good Men Project. If you are already a writer or contributor at The Good Men Project, log in here before registering. (You can request a new password if needed at this stage).
Your ANNUAL PLATINUM membership includes:
1. Free and UNLIMITED ACCESS to participate in ANY of our new Social Interest Groups. We have active communities of like-minded individuals working to change the world on important issues. Weekly facilitated calls that lead to the execution of real-world strategies for change. Complete schedule here, with new ones starting all the time. We now offer 500 calls a year!
2. Free and UNLIMITED ACCESS to ALL LIVE CLASSES. Learn how to build your own platform, be a better writer, become an editor create social change. Check out our training sessions. As a Platinum member, you can take them all.
3. Invitation to the MEMBERS ONLY Good Men Project Community on Facebook. Connect with other members, network and carry the conversation no one else is having one step further.
4. Access to our PREMIUM MEMBER LIBRARY with our recorded ConvoCasts and classes. ConvoCasts are a new form of media—and you are in them! Only Platinum Members get access to our recordings. And recordings of our classes are really valuable for those who do not have time to take the live classes or just want to review.
5. An ad-free experience. No banner, pop-up, or video ads when you log in.
6. Weekly conference calls with the publisher and other community members. Our weekly calls discuss the issues we see happening in the world of men in a friendly group setting.
7. PLATINUM member commenting badge. Your comments on our website will appear with a platinum member badge, signifying you are a part of our core community.
Price for ANNUAL PLATINUM membership is $50/year.
Your ANNUAL GOLD membership will include:
1. Free access to any ONE Social Interest Groups.Try them out! We have active communities of like-minded individuals working to change the world on important issues. Weekly facilitated calls that lead to the execution of real-world strategies for change. Complete schedule here, with new ones starting all the time.
2. Free access to any ONE of our live classes. Each month, we have the following: Learn how to be a Rising Star in media, build your own platform, become an advanced writer, become an editor or create social change. Check out our classes here. RSVP for any one class—if you want to take more, just upgrade to an Annual Platinum Membership.
3. Invitation to the MEMBER-ONLY Good Men Project Community on Facebook and Weekly Conference calls with the Publisher and community. Connect with other members, network and carry the conversation no one else is having one step further.
4. View the site with no ads! No banner, pop-up, or video ads when you log in—as long as your membership is active.
5. GOLD commenting badge. Your comments on our website will appear with a gold member badge, signifying you are a part of our core community.
Price for ANNUAL GOLD membership is $25/year.
Your ANNUAL BRONZE membership will include:
1. Invitation to the MEMBER-ONLY Good Men Project Community on Facebook and weekly conference calls with the publisher and community. Connect with other members, network and carry the conversation no one else is having one step further.
2. View the site with no ads! No banner, pop-up, or video ads when you log in—as long as your membership is active.
3. An invitation to the Weekly Call with the Publisher! Join us to meet other members, learn more about The Good Men Project, network and more.
4. BRONZE member commenting badge. Your comments on our website will appear with a bronze member badge, signifying you are a part of our core community.
Price for ANNUAL BRONZE membership is $12/year.
We have pioneered the largest worldwide conversation about what it means to be a good man in the 21st century. Your support of our work is inspiring and invaluable. Our mission is to challenge the stereotypes around masculinity, to advocate for equality, and to be a voice and a catalyst for change in the issues that disproportionately affect men. Our heartfelt gratitude for believing in our mission and wanting to be a part of this important conversation at The Good Men Project.
This is a paid post. Please read the Terms of our paid post program first: https://goodmenproject.com/good-men-media-inc-sponsored-post-agreement/
Please note, we don’t accept sponsored posts for dating sites, prescription medications, Cannabidiol (CBD), tobacco, vaping, gambling products, adult content, sex toys or posts that include sexual language. We also will not accept any post which can be construed as giving medical advice or promoting an activity that's known to be illegal. Publisher retains final determination on the publication of all posts regardless of product or service. In addition, all posts must fit our brand and editorial guidelines which state we are "having a conversation about the changing roles of men in the 21st Century." You will also need to agree to our Terms and Conditions when you submit your post.
This is a sponsored post. Please read the Terms of our Sponsored Post program first: https://goodmenproject.com/good-men-media-inc-sponsored-post-agreement/
Please note, we don’t accept sponsored posts for dating sites, prescription medications, Cannabidiol (CBD), tobacco, vaping, gambling products, adult content, sex toys or posts that include sexual language. We also will not accept any post which can be construed as giving medical advice or promoting an activity that's known to be illegal. Publisher retains final determination on the publication of all posts regardless of product or service. In addition, all posts must fit our brand and editorial guidelines which state we are "having a conversation about the changing roles of men in the 21st Century." You will also need to agree to our Terms and Conditions when you submit your post.
Use this form to promote your book or film.
Prices updated 11/2023
Ala Carte Pricing:
- $50 - Book Excerpt or Film Trailer-- We will publish any excerpt that will stand alone as content. It can include a link to your sales page. (See published examples here and here.) For trailers, please include 350 words of copy. We must be able to embed your video.
- $100 - Original Blog Post that You Write for Us -- You submit a blog post about the book or film. Perhaps your inspiration about why you wrote it, or key themes and issues. The post can include sales links, promotional videos, and links to other books or films.
- $25 - Syndication of previously published blog posts, reviews, or interviews. Just send us the link to content that you have permission to re-republish and we will run it on The Good Men Project, linking back to the original article.
- $150 - Interview with an Author or Director -- Send us an electronic version of your book/film/synopsis and a bullet list of your talking points. (Please complete this form for the interview. ) We will send you 5-7 unique questions about the book/film that are specially crafted to both resonate with our audience and help you get your key messages across. Send us the answers and any art to go along with it (book cover, film still, etc.) and we will design and publish a post that includes up to 3 links to the sales or promotional pages.
- $250-$400 - Front Page Resource Link -- Improve your SEO with a front page link on The Good Men Project, a high Domain authority site. $250 is for 6-months, and $400 for a full year.
*We do not accept physical copies of your work, electronic only please.
Author Bundle Pricing:
We want you to succeed, and believe that multiple mentions over time is the best way to get the word out. Choose 3 or more of the above and get 20% off the total price!
Payment in full must be made before we begin. We will send you an invoice via PayPal after you submit this form. You may attach an article or a campaign proposal to this submission form.
Please read the Terms of our Sponsored Post program.
Leverage The Good Men Project Community and Our SEO!
Thank you for your interest in The Good Men Project, the only large-scale conversation about the changing roles of men in the 21st century. Is the readership of The Good Men Project part of your target demographic? If so, we'd love to help you promote your book as part of our sponsorship program.
Not only will your brand's message get in front of our audience of two million people and increase SEO and brand awareness, but you will also be welcome to re-publish the sponsored content on your blog, website, in your newsletter, or on your social channels. You can also join our thriving writer's community on FB, with over 4,000 writers and creators who support each other and share content.
We updated our pricing on August 3, 2023, with an entry-level opportunity for only $75!
Your initial purchase of $75 or more will also get you Platinum-level membership in our Premium Member Community. You may decline or unsubscribe at any time. If you already have a membership, we will extend it for one year at the Platinum level. As a second bonus, we can publish your press release for no additional cost when you invest $200 or more with us on book promotion.
Size preference: 350-1200 is our sweet spot but we can go higher.
We do allow 100 words (exactly) for #100WordsOnLove.
At this time, we are not accepting poetry.
Submissions may be in a variety of media: verbiage, video, audio, cartoon, etc.